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1.) Items and information on this site are not meant to offend, discourage, mislead or confuse anyone; nor imply cures, treatment, prevent or stop any sickness, ailment, illness or disease; nor is Original Afrowear (OAW), implying being a medical physician. Always seek professional, licensed medical advice/treatment for your health.
2.) Original Afrowear (OAW) does not assume any responsibility or risk for your use of the internet.
3.) To view and purchase material on this site, you must be 18 years of age or older, or have consent/permission written or otherwise, from an Adult or Guardian. By continuing to view and/or purchase, it is understood that this permission was granted and holds OAW free and clear of any and all liabilities.
4.) Any and all content and policy are subject to change at any time without notice (written or otherwise).
5.) All trademarks and copyrights are property of Original Afrowear and/or its respective Owners, and any use of them, IN ANY WAY, without permission (written or otherwise), constitutes violation of these marks and deemed illegal.
6.) Items may be returned within seven (7) business days. Items must not be damaged or worn and must be accompanied by a return item number given by an OAW representative. There will be a twenty-five dollar ($25) restocking fee. Items returned due to proven manufacturer error, will not require this fee.
***For International items Original Afrowear is not responsible for any delays, holds or any matters do to customs.